
XdHacks Mini


Vancouver's Premier Highschool
Hackathon Organization


SafeHacks is happening this weekend! It is a multi-day in-person hackathon that encourages high-school students from Vancouver to develop prototypes to tackle issues with safe technology use. Check out our event page for more details and register now!

About Us

XdHacks Mini is a global high-school Hackathon organization dedicated towards hosting high-school Hackathons to inspire more youth to be engaged with the field of STEAM. Our events are where individuals come together and use technology to transform their ideas into reality in an attempt to create a feasible solution towards solving a relevant, real-world problem.


Ambassadors are a key part of outreach and will be tasked with promoting XdHacks Mini hosted events through social media and school announcements.

Interested in Sponsoring Us?


Thank you to our previous sponsors!